Adobe's Photoshop software is truly a big deal for most people. If you are a photographer or photo enthusiast, it pays to have this program loaded onto your computer in order to manipulate your photographs and present the world with true, quality art! With Photoshop at your fingertips, you can rest assured that you will get to improve those digital images you have taken long before they are printed. The result will be one more reason for you to give away (or sell) those beautiful pictures to clients, customers, family and friends.
Unfortunately, for most,it is not simply enough that you have the Photoshop program installed on your laptop or desktop computer. It is imperative that you have a basic knowledge in Photoshop to allow you to do all of the things that you want to do, as well as add the magical touches you didn't even dream of. With that little piece, my advice is...that it is very important for you to get a Photoshop tutorial.
There are several options available, such as hiring a tutor or enrolling in a program where you can learn basic or advanced Photoshop skills. You can also choose to buy one of the miriad of books that will teach you the aspects of the program. (If books are your preferred method of learning, I would recommend any of the books authored by Scott Kelby. They are easy to read and easy to follow) These are a few of the options that are open to you. All of which can have substantial costs. However, if you are frugal, you may want to follow an even better choice and get a free Photoshop tutorial. During these tutorials you will have the opportunity to develop (or hone) your skill without having to spend the extra money that's in your pocket.
There are a number of ways for you to get a free Photoshop tutorial. Be sure that you take advantage of these options...after all, "a penny saved is a penny earned"! If you can have something for free, make the most out of it.
1) Start by simply asking a friend for help with your Photoshop education
Many people are fortunate enough to have friends and relatives who are skilled in the Photoshop application. If you happen to have a friend of your own, then ask him or her to teach you basic Photoshop. Not only is this is a good way to get the free Photoshop tutorial, but most people who are skilled in Photoshop love to show off their capabilities. And besides, you can even use that extra time of learning as a bonding activity.
2) Try exploring the Photoshop program on your own.
If it happens that you can't access any friends to give the tutorials, you can explore the Photoshop program in a progressive step by step manner. Adobe provides basic tutorials with the installation. You can easily review the options for the basic tutorials. This will explain to you, how certain commands work and when to use them. You can read and review all of the instructions and the step-by-step processes. There are also editions of the Photoshop software that will actually provide tutorials using visuals. You will definitely enjoy viewing how a project is developed.
3) Try downloading trial files online
You can also get free Photoshop tutorials online. There are multiple web sites that will give help for free (like the ones at or You can access the tutorial in PDF format or view instructional videos which will allow you to follow each step. You can also browse through the sites to find the discussion on a particular topic ( or
4) Never be afriad to ask for assistance online.
Adobe does provide an option for you to get help ( online However, you may simply find it more amazing to explore the different discussion boards and forums where other Photoshop users converge (as mentioned above). This can be an opportunity to get free Photoshop tutorials from the people who are both novice and expert alike. You can post your question and you can expect the other users to give you the advice you need.
You're not alone. Be sure to take advantage of all of the free Photoshop tutorials and learn the basic skills needed to operate the program. This way,in no time, you will be turning your "nice" images into fabulous works of "art".
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